Aura: The Science of Your Inner Vibration

Aura: The Science of Your Inner Vibration

Your aura is the glow of your inner being, the light you carry with you. It’s not only the visible part of yourself that others see; it’s also the invisible part that no one sees but you. Your aura is a field of subtle energy that extends from your body out into the world. The aura is made up of seven layers, which increase in depth as they move further away from your physical body. 

Aura means ‘a breath’ in Sanskrit, and it is believed to be an invisible but tangible part of ourselves. It’s connected to our chakras—energy centres located throughout our body—and to our emotions and intentions. It acts as a protective sphere around us and cleanses negative energy from us so we can live a more positive life.

How do you see your aura?

Cameras like the one Lonsdale uses are said to be one way to see your aura.

But if you don’t have access to this special equipment, there are other ways you may be able to sense the energy fields around your body.

“Some people are able to see their aura by softening and slightly squinting their eyes and looking in a mirror,” Longo says. “However, this takes some practice.”

Your aura may best be picked up by your peripheral vision. That is, if you focus on it, you won’t see it. But if you look away, you may begin to see colors or light arise.

“I have been seeing auras for many years. Initially, I saw it as a fuzzy white light about an inch or two in thickness,” Longo says. “Over time, it accelerated to vibrant colors.”

Many spiritual advisors say about auras: It can take time and attention to sense it.

Is it easier to see someone else’s aura?

It depends. When you’re trying to sense your own aura, you have the ability to focus, meditate, and spend the time trying to engage with your spiritual energy.

You have almost no control over those elements in another person.

However, some people may have a more pronounced aura than others. This could make it easier for you to sense theirs before you’re ever able to see your own.


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