How to convert your Sexual energy


Sexual energy is one of the most powerful form of energy in your body , which can be converted to higher possibilities if someone knows how to use it.

There are various kinds of energy which is present in our body but out of those the most powerful one is the sexual energy which enables a person to achieve Enlightenment which the highest or the end goal of a Human being ,so here in today we will gonna know some of the most powerful techniques to convert your sexual energy in higher possibilities and also what are the benefits and the power of converting the sexual energy.

What can be achieved through Sexual energy

1.First of all you will be happy all the time and will be untouched by the situations of life which was disturbing you.

2.You will feel energetic all the time and you will be also needing less sleep as your body will function at its best.

3.Your words will influence people very deeply also your voice will get more deeper because if your use the sexual energy in your body you may open up the Throat Chakra.

4.As mentioned above if you activate the Throat chakra whatever you speak will manifest.

5.You will have a photographic memory , means whatever you will read or see will stay in your mind forever.

6.You will be able to handle the hardest situations of  life very easily as you will open up a dimension of energy which is beyond the energies present in your body.

7.You will feel more calm and stress free as your mind will function at it's best.

8. If you are a meditator already then you may experience a rise in energy in your body  while meditation which may open all of your chakras which were blocked.

There are many more things, that can be achieved by this dimension of energy.

You can find more information on You Tube or Google about different people's opinion on this topic.

Steps to convert your Sexual energy

1.The most basic and the first step towards converting this energy is meditation by meditating you can convert, rise or channelize this energy into anything in your body.

2.The second most powerful technique is Yoga there are various kind of yoga that helps to convert this energy.

Note:-You can find the type of Yoga's on Google because i will not waste your and mine time sharing the same information which is already on internet.

3.One the most ancient and famous technique is chanting different kinds of mantras as we know that mantras are the most powerful vibrational sounds which you can create by your own.

These are the most simple and basic techniques to convert your sexual energy , i will share more information about this in my future posts ,any doubt you can comment to let me know what you haven't understood.

Finally thank so much for your precious time .

lastly i found an app on play store which talks about sexual energy and also in that app i found different sounds and vibrations which are very powerful and can really help you to experience something very different.

Here is the link of the app named Resurgence, Checkout and let me know if this really helps.

Resurgence Download


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