Root Chakra

The Root Chakra

The root chakra, or mūlādhāra chakra in Sanskrit, is known as “the root of all things.” Located at the base of the spine at about

tailbone-level, it acts as the individual’s center of emotional and spiritual balance, as well as instinctual consciousness. At its most

basic level, the root chakra is concerned with needs. It governs one’s senses of stability, safety, strength, and commitment and is

responsible for self-preservation and feeling grounded..


  1. I feel more Grounded when I sit up straight

    1. Yes when I sit up straight it gives me a since of feeling more focused, balanced and a feel of I'm headed in the right direction. Nothing seems to bring me down as easily as if I was slouching and feeling negative.

    2. According various studies, posture has a significant influence on the body and mind. Sitting up straight has been shown to have many benefits on mood, energy levels, motivation and confidence and it also has obvious positive physical effects. Slouching and other habits of poor posture have been shown to do pretty much the opposite and have been associated with depression and fatigue among other things; plus, it is really bad for the spine and physique in general.

  2. I feel most grounded when I'm out in the woods or creek " soaking up nature!"

  3. I felt most grounded when I had the time to take the time to pursue my return to when I had ballet to disassociate from all that was taking place on the other side of the Barre...

  4. Being in nature with creator and praying outloud while laying my medicines down. 🙏

  5. I only feel grounded while sleeping

  6. I also feel grounded, especially when in nature! Try taking your shoes and socks off to be bare foot then you'll even be more grounded it is a proven fact! Look it up and try as it is a FACT WITH HEALTH BENEFITS

    1. I've actually been reading up on this subject myself because my whole family says i missed my generation and should've been born 20 years earlier because I've always gone barefoot if possible. And I felt deep down it gave me a deeper connection to mother earth, and as weird as it might sound, it always felt natural, like it was right. Then my mother in law showed me an article she read that stated that is actually true. People who go barefoot also tend to be more enlightened and have a hightened spirituality. I hope I worded that correctly... Lol

    2. There is scientific evidence that supports your conclusions. Shoes actually create a barrier between the body and the earth and when the bare feet touch the earth there is an energy transfer that takes place, an exchange of electrons if you prefer. Just thought the info might be appreciated if you have not already researched that aspect of this subject.

    3. The feel of the earth under your bare feet is so invigorating. It's as if the body and the earth are absorbing one another.

  7. Being grounded is being bare-foot to our mother earth.

  8. I feel grounded when I with someone that understands me.

  9. I feel grounded when outside

  10. Esta en español?no me gusta el volumen del agua porque mi ex se robó a mi hijo y dónde lo esconde tiene muchas peceras haciendo ese ruido

  11. Me interesa porque no puedo superar que no me permita ver a mi único hijo, estoy sufriendo,no logro dejar ir

  12. I feel the most grounded when I'm meditating outdoors and using the sounds and smells of the forest to completely clear my mind and center myself. I'll even catch myself getting lost in my meditation for WAY longer than I intended. Which I guess means it's working....🧘🌺🌿🕉️😌

  13. Hate being honest and everyone is not good to me an I feel that some one following me

  14. I find it difficult siting with my legs crossed. Any help??

    1. Try a comfortable chair sitting with your knees close but not touching (it should not feel strained or uncomfortable) with your feet flat on the floor. Make sure your back stays as straight as possible, don't slouch. You should feel comfortable but alert, not so comfortable that you accidentally fall asleep. Hope that helps.

    2. The above comment was assuming you are looking for an alternative was to meditate.


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