How Bruce Lee Used Manipura Chakra to Create the 1-Inch Punch

How Bruce Lee Used Manipura Chakra to Create the 1-Inch Punch In the 1970s, Lee began to investigate other martial arts and Eastern practices that might help him understand both fighting and himself. His studies eventually led him to Japan, where he learned about Zen Buddhism and the three main energy centers of the body known as chakras in Sanskrit. These are points of universal energy believed to be located at different places on the human body with each chakra having its own unique properties. Lee incorporated this knowledge into his own fighting technique, often using it to enhance his performance in movies by channeling energy through his manipura chakra – or third-eye center—and projecting it outward so that he could strike with more force than normal human blows would suggest. What is Manipura Chakra? Manipura chakra is the third of the seven chakras in the human body. Located at the navel, it is related to the sun and the solar plexus, which controls the autonomic nervous...